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Three-in-One Devo
Three-in-One Devo
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Our Price: $2.00

Quantity in Stock:1193

Product Code: 1950-3IN1DEVO

Followers of Jesus must know what scripture says about God and humanity in order to live wisely and faithfully. Three-in-One introduces readers to basic Biblical truths and offers many opportunities for reflection, discussion, creative reading practices, and practical embodiment. Three-in-One can be used alone or in a group by people who are both new and seasoned followers of Christ. Great for camp follow-up, Campaigners, small groups, leader training, donor gifts, and more.

Three-in-One includes 28 daily devos divided into the following five themes:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Spirit
God’s Children
God’s Fellowship (the intersection of all the above)

80 pages, 6" x 7.5"