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Events: Banquet & Golf
Golf Hole Sponsor Sign (Custom)
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This custom item will be printed especially for you.
See customization information below.
Customization Information
These 24" x 18" signs can be customized on one or both sides with your hole sponsor information. Printed on plastic with
a wire stand (like a Young Life yard sign), the sponsor signs can be placed into the ground publicizing and recognizing sponsors at prominent places along the course.
Helpful hint from current user:
To get started, download the template below and add a potential sponsor's business name and logo that you have obtained from their website page. Take the sign to the business to show what the sign will look like if they decide to participate. You might also encourage them by showing signs of other popular companies who have decided to sponsor your event. Once the business agrees to participate, ask for a high resolution logo that will look even better when printed on the actual sign.
Cost: $22 for 2-sided and $18 for 1-sided signs. To order, contact
Creative Services
or call 719-381-1893.
Visit the
Staff Site
for more information and to see samples.
Golf Sponsor Sign
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